The Help Center provides AI-assisted search of our extensive knowledge base and self-service support options for JustWorks customers.
Sign in to access custom knowledge
To get the most out of the Help Center please Sign in.
- If you have a corporate Google account under your work email address you can use the "Sign in with Google" option. (Signing in with a personal GMail account will not help you.)
- Otherwise select the option for Get a password in the bottom left, fill in your email address and you will get an email with a link to set your password.
Once logged in you will have access to articles specific to your company and a wider range of our general help guides.
You can search for knowledge base articles to learn how to solve common problems. Our Help Center is AI assisted, so give it a thumbs up if it finds the right answer for you first time.
If you can't find an answer, Submit a support request using the link in the top bar.
Managing your support requests
While you can manage your ticket through email, you can also see a complete history of your requests and manage current ones – click here.
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